
What is an age-friendly city?
Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project: A unique and successful model in building an age-friendly city
All 18 districts committed to building an age-friendly community

Featured Resources
Strategies for creating an age-friendly city: Hong Kong as a case study
This book thoroughly chronicles the strategies adopted by Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project in advancing age-friendly city movement in Hong Kong and its social impact, explores the origins of the concept of an age-friendly city and its development globally and in Hong Kong, as well as provides recommendations for the future advancement of age-friendly cities.
(developed by CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project”)
Age-friendly City Guidebook
This Guidebook consolidates the experience of the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project in building an age-friendly city in Hong Kong, which provides practical guidance and useful resources for policy makers, public sector and other community stakeholders in taking forward the age-friendly city campaign in the long-run in respect of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of age-friendly strategies and initiatives.
(developed by CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project”)
Booklet and videos | Happy Ageing – Eight domains of an Age-friendly City
The booklet and videos introduce the eight domains of an age-friendly city and share age-friendly good practices by domains, aiming to promote the implementation and development of age-friendly initiatives, encourage community participation and cultivate age-friendly culture in building a sustainable age-friendly city.
(developed by CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project”)
Age-friendly District Profiles (18 districts of Hong Kong) (Chinese version only)
Policy Brief – Building an Age-friendly Community in Hong Kong
The Policy Brief aims to provide policy suggestions based on the eight domains of an age-friendly city as suggested by the WHO. Local and global examples are recommended to different stakeholders for reference.
(developed by The University of Hong Kong Sau Po Centre on Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project”)
Guidelines for Hong Kong’s Members of WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities (Chinese version only)
The Guidelines aim to provide step-by-step instructions for sustaining the membership of the WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities in order to fulfil the Network’s mandatory membership requirements.
(developed by The University of Hong Kong Sau Po Centre on Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project”)
Age-friendly City Ambassadors Training Manual (Updated Version) (Chinese version only)
This Manual summarises the experience of the four university partners of Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project on training Age-friendly City (“AFC”) ambassadors in the community, aiming to enlighten the future development of training and engagement of AFC ambassadors.
(developed by Lingnan University Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project”)
Community maps | Age-friendly walking routes
Here recommends the community maps of age-friendly walking routes with interesting local characteristics across the city. Have you walked today?
(produced by Christian Family Service Centre under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Walk the City for Active Ageing“)