Keep a Healthy and
Active Lifestyle

“Keep a Healthy and Active Lifestyle” section contains resources pertaining to three domains of an age-friendly city, including “Community support & health services”, “Civic participation & employment” and “Social participation”. An age-friendly community supports active ageing by providing services and opportunities to keep seniors healthy, independent and integrated in society, such as through social and recreational activities, voluntary work and paid employment.

Physical activity can help the elderly stay healthy, e.g. building a walking habit or doing walkout at home. Let’s take action now!
“Walk the City for Active Ageing” Programme Booklet (Chinese version only)
Age-friendly walking routes with local characteristics were developed to encourage the elderly to build a life-long habit of exercising and health management.
(produced by Christian Family Service Centre under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Walk the City for Active Ageing”)
“Walk the City for Active Ageing” Booklet on achievements and findings (Chinese version only)
This booklet shares about the programme of “Walk the City for Active Ageing” and its achievements, findings and insights on age-friendly walking.
(produced by Christian Family Service Centre under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Walk the City for Active Ageing”)
Community maps | Age-friendly walking routes
Here recommends the community maps of age-friendly walking routes with interesting local characteristics across the city. Have you walked today?
(produced by Christian Family Service Centre under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Walk the City for Active Ageing“)
Checklist of age-friendly walking environment
The checklist sets out the key elements of an age-friendly walking environment which includes accessibility, safety, comfortability and attractiveness levels.
(produced by Christian Family Service Centre under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Walk the City for Active Ageing”)
About walking
Walking is easy to master and good for health which brings various advantages. To build a walking habit, you have to learn some tips on walking types and proper walking gesture.
(produced by Christian Family Service Centre under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Walk the City for Active Ageing”)
Articles | Elderly walkers’ sharing
Walking activities can bring positive changes to elderly people. You can learn more from the sharing of elderly walkers.
(produced by Christian Family Service Centre under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Walk the City for Active Ageing”)
Videos | Exercises at home for the elderly

Regular exercise helps prevent frailty. This series of videos demonstrate 4-step training suitable for older people, namely (1) warm up exercise, (2) training exercise (i.e. “resistance training” to train muscles, “balance training” to reduce fall risk, and “circuit training” to enhance muscles building and cardio fitness), (3) cool down exercise, and (4) stretching exercise, as well as introduce the safety tips.
(produced by CUHK Jockey Club institute of Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Active Ageing Programme 2020”)
Healthy ageing can be achieved through healthy diet and wellness activities. Let’s explore more!
Booklet | Healthy ageing – Healthy recipes and information (Chinese version only)
Introduces four healthy diet topics that are closely related to the elderly (including maintaining bones density, keeping muscles strong, preventing dementia, strengthening immune system) and shares healthy recipes for the elderly’s and their carers’ reference.
(produced by CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Active Ageing Programme 2019”)
Videos | Healthy diet (Chinese version only)

Illustrated by dietitian, the videos introduce the knowledge of nutrition and diet for strengthening bones, muscles, brain and immune system as well as cooking methods suitable for the elderly.
(produced by CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Active Ageing Programme 2020”)
Healthy soup, acupuncture therapy and home horticulture (Chinese version only)

This video series introduce healthy soup, acupuncture therapy and home horticulture which aim to support elderly people, especially those living in rural areas, to embrace a healthy lifestyle and enhance their psychological, social and physical well-being.
(produced by Lingnan University Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Building and Enhancing Supportive Trend: Rural United Nations (BEST RUN)”)
Equip the elderly with health knowledge can facilitate them to manage their health and pursue a healthy ageing lifestyle.
Videos | Different health topics related to the elderly (Chinese version only)

The videos share the information of health issues related to the elderly, such as sarcopenia, fall prevention, dementia, pain relief, dental care, eye care, self-management on health, etc.
(produced by online media, “HiEggo” under the video series “HiEggo x Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project”)
Booklet | “Health @ Community” healthy lifestyle magazine (Chinese version only)
This magazine contains information on healthy diet and exercises as well as tips about self-management on health aiming to promote a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
(produced by Hong Kong Christian Service under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Health @ Community“)
Health Ambassador Training Manuals – Dementia, Frailty and Depression (Chinese version only)
Three training manuals cover the concept of age-friendly city and health-related information regarding dementia, frailty and depression, including basic knowledge, screening tools and community resources, which can be used for training health ambassadors.
(produced by The University of Hong Kong Sau Po Centre on Ageing under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Health Ambassadors Training Programme”)
Booklet | Community resources of dementia in Sai Kung (Chinese version only)
The booklet provides dementia related information including screening tools and community resources in Sai Kung.
(produced by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tseung Kwan O Aged Care Complex – Jockey Club District Elderly Community Centre cum Day Care Unit under “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project – Brain Activation READY GO”)